Jan raised two sons, Gregg Schoenberg of Brooklyn, New York and Baron Selman of Fayetteville, Arkansas, both of whom were as devoted to her as she was to them. She is also survived by Gregg's wife, Zvia, and their children Nanette and Celine, and Baron's wife, Shelley. Her granddaughters knew her as "peyha," which stems from her love of Korean culture. How do you debunk the "magic bullet" theory (Which says a single bullet hit Kennedy in the back then exited through his throat and injured Texas Governor John Connally.) If you go back and review the broadcast footage from the day of the assassination, you find on NBC, for example, Chet Huntley and the other anchors are reporting two wounds. One was a small, clean puncture wound to the throat, which Malcolm Perry, the physician who performed a simple tracheotomy, described three times during the Parkland press conference that was held at the hospital after it was announced the president was dead. Malcolm Kil...